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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


pink on the outside and white inside
story of my 7 BB's

above: I normally use the packaging of advertising to express my mood and status in bbm_ this was used when BB was down_ a worldwide crisis_ my status read "what's happening?".
I decided to do a post of my Blackberry [BB]. It's a year ago (and a couple of days) since I celebrated the purchase of my BB_ buka lapha.  I have not only had 1 BB but 7_ in a year! This is inspiration behind this post and I have woven my BB's story on the 7 deadly sins.

(says "seven" my son's way of coding_ creating a new alphabet)

BB1: just out of the box_ returned in 3 days_ not charging
BB2: battery loosing power quickly 
(later discovered it was due to a game not been quited that my son had down loaded)
BB3:camera stopped working

BB4:screen flickered
BB5: lost_ drove away with it on top of my car 
(think it's lying somewhere at Pirates)
BB6: green pixel stripe grew (and kept growing) from the center of the screen  
BB7: my current_ I <3 it (don't wanna live without it)_ because it supports Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 has transformed one's notion of and one's attitude to the Internet, from an encyclopedic source to a reflective and interactive arena whereby one may publish, post or share content. Some Web 2.0 tools include podcasts, videos, wikis, blogs, animations, RSS feeds, photos, tagging and social networks (Goddard 2004: 07).  In this virtual environment, one:
·      multi-tasks_ shifts  attention from one task to another
·      works with multiple interfaces
·      manages ones own performance
·      values speed over accuracy_ rapid feedback/responses
·      expresses oneself better through images rather than text
·      learns by doing/learn by finding out
·      values peers: show appreciation and validation
This is a shared experience, not only amongst peers, but extended into the community itself. Here individuals create their own content, collaborate with others and support the building of communities. 
 Goddard, T. 2007. Learning Technologies and Schools of the Future  British Council for School Environments. 


"At 4 in the morning Photography takes on
a new meaning"
Paulo Menezes (year1)

Sent via OUR BlackBerry's from Cyberspace- let our emails find you!

  I checked 'recent updates' on my bbm @ about 6am this morning. The quote above was Paulo Menezes's status. It caught my attention _ especially the 'new meaning' part, so I asked Paulo to share his experience with me via email/bb so that I could share it with you.

 This is what Paulo wrote about 'new meaning'

building 1
building 2

"Well, every time I shoot at sunrise (which should be more frequent) its a surreal experience. The rate at which light changes and the changes it brings about on the subjects is amazing. I think I was also grabbed by the nature of the building -how IT, as well as the light had the power to span/transport one back to previous architectural era's (see above)I would say that my bbm status was mainly based on me witnessing the transition between 3am and 6am, between which a series of images were captured, and how this change is not merely a time lapse but potentially a laps through time itself.

Here is PM's Blurb about his 'experience' and 'thinking'

"Yesterday I tagged along with my mom to Umhlanga in search of a 'photograph-able' building for the 'Architecture' part of my portfolio. Prior to this, I had had no luck in the Durban area - I found it very cramped and couldn't seem to find a suitable vantage point to correctly photograph a building, which is a pity 'cuz Durban has really beautiful structures (I think I need to further develop my skill in this department). So, I headed to Umhlanga with a modern building in mind (either Coastlands Hotel or one of the many office buildings in the area). 

building 3
 As I did not plan this trip (my mom had to drop off a document to clients in the area), I found myself setting up my tripod at 12 o' clock, not ideal as the sun had just come out of it's week-long hiding and was very harsh. This made exposure very difficult, with either silhouetted buildings or over-exposed skies. On the way back, we passed the Moses Mabhida stadium. I saw a small building on the outer fields surrounding the stadium which caught my eye... Which brings me to this morning (excuse the extensive intro). SO, I had planned to get up at about 5/5:30am - forgetting that summer is here and the sun rises much earlier. Luckily I had visited WeatherSA last night, after which I found myself setting my alarm clock to 3:45am (uncharted territory for both me and my bedside clock). I headed down to the stadium and got there at about 4:30am this morning. The sun hadn't risen yet but it was still fairly bright. I got to the building that I had seen and set up. It was a short wait for the first light to fall on the glass front at about 4:45/50'ish. And...well, the rest of the story lies in the images..


- The building, just below the south end of the stadium.
- I altered the colours slightly to enhance a feeling of 'The Great Gatsby' or '1970's New York' that I immediately felt as I framed the shot through the viewfinder (I hope I have the right era).

3 - I couldn't help swivelling my tripod head toward the stadium as it takes on a pink tint for a few minutes of the day.

see more of PM's images on his blog_ click below

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

an inexhaustible world


PS says: The decision as to when to photograph, the actual click of the shutter, is partly controlled from the outside, by the flow of life, but it also comes from the mind and the heart of the artist. The photograph is his/her vision of the world and expresses, however subtly, his/her values and convictions.  http://www.photoquotes.com/showquotes.aspx?id=112&name=Strand,Paul

 inexhaustible ~ unable to be used up because existing in abundance ~ tireless• limitless• untold • everlasting • plentiful • boundless
conviction ~ a firmly held belief or opinion ~ view • stance • position • belief
Values ~ something is held to deserve; the importance or preciousness of ~ high regard • prize •  treasure • appreciate 

Tribe_3 /_4 exhibition

bye-bye, hamba gahletsimaya sintle bye, farewell, adieu, au revoir, ciao, adios, voorspoed,  so long, see you later,  sayonara; bon voyage; cheers; informal toodle-oo,   
see you...

Sabelo sent me these images yesterday_ I wanted to make my own post on saying goodbye to the Third years and to Lauren and Deseree (Tribe_4). Try to get to see the exhibition currently held @ the DUT Art Gallery> its up for a week_ remember to leave a comment in the guest book.

 Also see Nicole's post below_click below.


I am going to put in 2 quotes from http://www.quotegarden.com.  
They say what I feel_better than me.  

Let my blackberry take you back... top left window
 Gone - flitted away,
Taken the stars from the night and the sun
From the day!
Gone, and a cloud in my heart.

Alfred Tennyson

 Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  
Some stay for a while, 
leave footprints on our hearts, 
and we are never, ever the same.  

  lots <3
be well • do good • keep in touch osmosisSTYLE


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Double Exposure

Me and the other ME more questions on identity 
This blog entry showcases another ADP [Applied Digital Photography] assignment given to the 2nd years sometime in September. The images and blurbs are viewable on a Picasa Web Album_ click on 'buka lapha' to take you there...

screenshot off my hard drive

The theme of this assignment was about revealing another side of ones ‘identity’ that is normally not ‘exposed’ to others. The students were asked to juxtapose (make a comparison, put side by side) what they show outwardly (external, exterior appearance, what people see, clothed self) as opposed to that which is hidden or private (internalized, and in a sense ‘unclothed’).

Double Exposure
Double Exposure [DE] in Photography is a technique in which a piece of film is exposed twice, to two different images. The resulting photographic image shows the second image superimposed over the first. This technique can be used to create an artistic visual effect by creating ghostly images or by adding people/objects to a scene that were not previously there

For this assignment, the term, DE, literally means_ to expose oneself twice or expose two personalities by:
  • juxtaposing onesself clothed (concealed) contrasted by ‘unclothed’ (naked/revealed) in one environment.
  •  examining tensions and dialogues (see the suggestions listed below) between what one reveals (public) and what one conceals (private). 
  •  showing how ones outward appearance can be ambivalent (see glossary for definition).

Body Art as Text
Additionally the students were asked to adorn or scar your ‘unclothed’ self with ‘body art’ of your choice with the intention to tell a story about oneself. The characteristics, mode and placement of the body art becomes a 'text' and further adds a conceptual element to the image. These 'texts' must be sourced from the student's own photographs (eg photographs of textures, designs, patterns, shapes etc) and converted into tattoos, scars or body modifications utilizing Photoshop’s blending modes, filters and masking capabilities.  For example: lines on a body, created by photographing tiles on a floor may imitate stretch marks which indicate a pregnancy etc.

 being clothed vs being unclothed 
  • Being physically clothed defines many things, such as:
·       The way you dress and style your outward appearance reveals part of your culture and identity
·       Keeps you warm, secure and protected
·       Hides your ‘unclothed’ body: body defects, skin or marks
·       Act of concealing
·       Act of secretness
·       Artificial
·       Formal
·       Adorned
·       Social constraints
·       Public
·       Be someone else
·       Oppressed
·       safe
  • Being unclothed defines many things, such as:
·       Makes you powerful or vulnerable or both
·       Exposes nakedness: without covering/protection, easily harmed
·       Is revealing
·       Shows your skin: natural covering
·       Informal
·       Insecurities / Emotions
·       Private
·       Freedom
·       Unsafe

osmosisBLOG posts on ARTISTs and interrogation of “identity"


SYMBOLISM: a shape or sign used to represent something à meaningful, significant or representative
MONTAGE: the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.
JUXTAPOSE:  place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
AMBIVALENT: to have mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
BODY ART: the most common forms of body art are tattoos, body piercings, scarification, branding, sculpting (corsets etc), body painting.

Buzzing off

goodbye Buzz hello Google + 

I opened my Gmail this morning to find in yellow highlighted text an announcement by Google that Buzz is being discontinued (like Google Wave) but you will have access to your 'stuffs' through Google Takeout!

All the more reason to publish your photographs on Google +

 Paul Strand: " I've always wanted to be aware of what's going on around me, and I've wanted to use photography as an instrument of research into and reporting on the life of my own time". http://www.photoquotes.com/showquotes.aspx?id=112&name=Strand,Paul#422

What is Google Takeaway?
Google Operating System [GOS] blogs on Google's unofficial news and gives tips. GOS reports that " Google wants to differentiate from Facebook by offering a lot of ways to export your data. Google Takeout is a feature that's included in Google+, but it's also available as a standalone service. You can use it to export your contacts, Google Buzz messages, Picasa Web photos and Profile data with one click."



Monday, October 24, 2011

Through the Peephole

"Looking into the peephole to a place where I was born..."
Here is a small blurb and a link to the Picasa Web Album [PWA] that showcases the images and 'blurbs' from the second year students for an assignment where they were asked to create a photo-montage that completes this story line above.

screenshot of PWA
 the BLURB
osmosisLIZA said: "This assignment will require that you interrogate as well as investigate, who you are in relation to others (communities) as well as identify characteristics that make you the same/different to others (communities). You will be asked to weave both private and public persona’s and feelings in and out of your personal lives which will be revealed by stories and objects of the everyday. Ones that you have strong personal associations with. These objects can be the voice to your culture, your political and social positioning.  You will be asked to make visual references to these positions by expressing your feeling and beliefs through objects and stories as if viewed through a peephole".

I asked that the learners findings demonstrate the 3 A's_which I define as:

• Authorship:  reveal a personal story in a visual, written or spoken manner.
• Authority: the content expresses a strong  and confident voice
• Authenticity: displays the real experience of the student, through capturing, expressing and articulating individualistic thoughts and concepts from ones immediate environment.
Angie Buckley
From the list below the students were asked to respond to only 5 words. They were then instructed to source and photograph 5 ‘everyday’ objects that best depicted their emotional responses to these words. 

1.    My Age_ Generation 
2.    Gender: the male or female in me 
3.    Power 
4.    Weakness 
5.    Culture 
6.    Political Ideology 
7.    Spiritual 
8.    Personality 
9.    Aspiration or Dream 
10.  Present emotional self

tutorial by osmosisliza
The objects were to become metaphors for their personal interpretations of "what these words meant to them". From the 5  ‘everyday’ objects, the students then chose one object to become the shape of the peephole and utilized a 'clipping group' tutorial to place their objects into the peephole. This assignment was inspired by the photographs of Angie Buckley and Taetim de Villiers.
Click on the 'buka lapha's' below to discover more

buka lapha 2_flickr 
buka lapha 3_ feelings of being  
buka lapha 4_ Taetim


SOCIAL: the relationship between you and where you live: living together • relationship the community of people. How you are defined by what is around you_ one you cannot choose_ how you interact outside of yourself.

CULTURAL: the relationship between you and the ideas, customs where you live • ethnic, lifestyle, habits, arts, humanities, literature, music, philosophies. The way heritage informs who you are.

POLITICAL: the relationship and dynamics between you and the collective decisions made by groups of people • status, authority, academic and or religious. Civil role. How people are and how they behave_ defines ones morals.
METAPHOR: something regarded as something else other than what it is à make comparison or association.

I hope that this post makes you ask the following question ---->
What make me me?