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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

an inexhaustible world


PS says: The decision as to when to photograph, the actual click of the shutter, is partly controlled from the outside, by the flow of life, but it also comes from the mind and the heart of the artist. The photograph is his/her vision of the world and expresses, however subtly, his/her values and convictions.  http://www.photoquotes.com/showquotes.aspx?id=112&name=Strand,Paul

 inexhaustible ~ unable to be used up because existing in abundance ~ tireless• limitless• untold • everlasting • plentiful • boundless
conviction ~ a firmly held belief or opinion ~ view • stance • position • belief
Values ~ something is held to deserve; the importance or preciousness of ~ high regard • prize •  treasure • appreciate 

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