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Monday, August 23, 2010


Frida Khalo 
...is one of my favourite artists_ her self portraits are sad and lonely and poetic translations of her personal story. When you know her story you understand these self portraits more. The 2nd years are going to do interesting self portraits for their final portfolio hand in. Here is some interesting thoughts on creating a self portrait which also has a long important history in Art:

" artists gazed into their mirrors and attempted to grasp their identities. They sought to portray their image, whether it showed a clear representation of their features, a walk through their childhood or an outpouring of emotions. Some self-portraits show only what the artist wants us to see, some chronicle the history of the artist, others reveal personal secrets and a sense of isolation. Whichever method is employed each artist took a long literal and figurative look at him/herself. Each portrait is a an exploration of the self. Self-portraits have been used to test new techniques, make a signature mark, launch into self-study, remember the past, and as a way to release emotion. Whichever way artists choose to construct their images, they are each forced to study their own personas both physically and emotionally. For some the self-portrait is cathartic experience, a letting go of pent-up emotions. For others, the process reveals new insights about themselves and their work. For all artists, the self-portrait is an exploration, an opportunity to see beyond the image in the mirror and begin to search into the soul. " www.artlex.com

What will you find when you search the mirror?

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