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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


pink on the outside and white inside
story of my 7 BB's

above: I normally use the packaging of advertising to express my mood and status in bbm_ this was used when BB was down_ a worldwide crisis_ my status read "what's happening?".
I decided to do a post of my Blackberry [BB]. It's a year ago (and a couple of days) since I celebrated the purchase of my BB_ buka lapha.  I have not only had 1 BB but 7_ in a year! This is inspiration behind this post and I have woven my BB's story on the 7 deadly sins.

(says "seven" my son's way of coding_ creating a new alphabet)

BB1: just out of the box_ returned in 3 days_ not charging
BB2: battery loosing power quickly 
(later discovered it was due to a game not been quited that my son had down loaded)
BB3:camera stopped working

BB4:screen flickered
BB5: lost_ drove away with it on top of my car 
(think it's lying somewhere at Pirates)
BB6: green pixel stripe grew (and kept growing) from the center of the screen  
BB7: my current_ I <3 it (don't wanna live without it)_ because it supports Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 has transformed one's notion of and one's attitude to the Internet, from an encyclopedic source to a reflective and interactive arena whereby one may publish, post or share content. Some Web 2.0 tools include podcasts, videos, wikis, blogs, animations, RSS feeds, photos, tagging and social networks (Goddard 2004: 07).  In this virtual environment, one:
·      multi-tasks_ shifts  attention from one task to another
·      works with multiple interfaces
·      manages ones own performance
·      values speed over accuracy_ rapid feedback/responses
·      expresses oneself better through images rather than text
·      learns by doing/learn by finding out
·      values peers: show appreciation and validation
This is a shared experience, not only amongst peers, but extended into the community itself. Here individuals create their own content, collaborate with others and support the building of communities. 
 Goddard, T. 2007. Learning Technologies and Schools of the Future  British Council for School Environments. 

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