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Thursday, June 2, 2011

feelings of emptiness


Yolanda Zondi_YZ (a second year Student) created this 'extremely personal' image in response to a wonderful Viscom2 assignment set by Taetim (see Tae's blog on my blog list) a few weeks ago, where Taetim asked students to submit any one image that spoke of feelings of being:
  • completely consumed by life
  • completely fearless and carefree
  • in complete control of a particular situation
  • empty
I asked YZ to email me her 'blurb' and this is what she wrote:
"This image might not be one of my best works but it has sentimental value to my life, it takes me to a place I have not been in a very long time. A cold place filled with sadness and emptiness a dark place of wanting to belong and be loved by the person who left a void in my soul that can not be filled by anything. It brings emotions and expressions involuntary of tears and sorrow. The image portrays a child looking down from the sky with innocence and the empty suit which my father is suppose to be wearing but its empty because he is not there. The child is in the background representing me in black and white to show that he is now a part of my past,the suit is in colour to show the presence and that he should be here but his not! This image represents my dad and I, how he left my mom and me when I was three years old,young and innocent making my mom carry his burdens and leaving me with questions which will never be answered. Why did he leave? What did I do wrong?  He is the missing link to my life. I wish he could see the young lady I have become today and I no longer blame myself for him leaving. My mom has done an excellent job in raising me and I forgave him long ago but there will always be that hope that he might one day fill that space in my heart. Although he is not there, he is a part of my life because he has influenced my past negatively and my future positively in making me independent and to strive to be better in life. He is the one who is missing out!"

Thank-you to Yolanda for YOUR individual story and sharing this with us.
I hope that Yolanda will inspire others to make images (and share these) that are close to their hearts_ where they reveal an image maker's authentic creative response to life and life's matters from a personal world. Please can other 2nd year students email me their images with a short 'blurb' outlining their ideas on osmosisliza@gmail.com in response to 'feelings of being' assignment... I would love to add them to this Blog post and showcase other images.

1 comment:

  1. Bwalya wrote this on BUZZ: NYANGU LUNGU - Wow! Yolanda ,I just want to thank for expressing not just for yourself but for others like me who grew up in the same situation in terms of the family dynamics. For informing people who believe that when the father is not in the house that means the child/ren are a problem to society, which is not always true. They can choose to use the situation in a positive way to elevate themselves and make something of themselves. I am glad that you are using all that you are in your photography and embracing it.
