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Monday, October 24, 2011

Through the Peephole

"Looking into the peephole to a place where I was born..."
Here is a small blurb and a link to the Picasa Web Album [PWA] that showcases the images and 'blurbs' from the second year students for an assignment where they were asked to create a photo-montage that completes this story line above.

screenshot of PWA
 the BLURB
osmosisLIZA said: "This assignment will require that you interrogate as well as investigate, who you are in relation to others (communities) as well as identify characteristics that make you the same/different to others (communities). You will be asked to weave both private and public persona’s and feelings in and out of your personal lives which will be revealed by stories and objects of the everyday. Ones that you have strong personal associations with. These objects can be the voice to your culture, your political and social positioning.  You will be asked to make visual references to these positions by expressing your feeling and beliefs through objects and stories as if viewed through a peephole".

I asked that the learners findings demonstrate the 3 A's_which I define as:

• Authorship:  reveal a personal story in a visual, written or spoken manner.
• Authority: the content expresses a strong  and confident voice
• Authenticity: displays the real experience of the student, through capturing, expressing and articulating individualistic thoughts and concepts from ones immediate environment.
Angie Buckley
From the list below the students were asked to respond to only 5 words. They were then instructed to source and photograph 5 ‘everyday’ objects that best depicted their emotional responses to these words. 

1.    My Age_ Generation 
2.    Gender: the male or female in me 
3.    Power 
4.    Weakness 
5.    Culture 
6.    Political Ideology 
7.    Spiritual 
8.    Personality 
9.    Aspiration or Dream 
10.  Present emotional self

tutorial by osmosisliza
The objects were to become metaphors for their personal interpretations of "what these words meant to them". From the 5  ‘everyday’ objects, the students then chose one object to become the shape of the peephole and utilized a 'clipping group' tutorial to place their objects into the peephole. This assignment was inspired by the photographs of Angie Buckley and Taetim de Villiers.
Click on the 'buka lapha's' below to discover more

buka lapha 2_flickr 
buka lapha 3_ feelings of being  
buka lapha 4_ Taetim


SOCIAL: the relationship between you and where you live: living together • relationship the community of people. How you are defined by what is around you_ one you cannot choose_ how you interact outside of yourself.

CULTURAL: the relationship between you and the ideas, customs where you live • ethnic, lifestyle, habits, arts, humanities, literature, music, philosophies. The way heritage informs who you are.

POLITICAL: the relationship and dynamics between you and the collective decisions made by groups of people • status, authority, academic and or religious. Civil role. How people are and how they behave_ defines ones morals.
METAPHOR: something regarded as something else other than what it is à make comparison or association.

I hope that this post makes you ask the following question ---->
What make me me?

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