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Friday, October 8, 2010


Sabelo "DJBUSHMAN" had a farewell for Fabian at his house in KwaMashu. Here are some of his pics, sent by Sabelo from that day. I have written a goodbye note to Fabs and had it translated from English into German using Google translator. 
In English it reads like this :  

"Goodbye to the tall man who traveled with his camera from another continent to ours, put his feet on our the sandy shores and made us laugh, love and learn. We will all miss you. Hamba Kahle Umngane..."

Google translated my message to GERMAN, and it reads like this:

"Abschied von der hochgewachsene Mann, der mit seiner Kamera von einem anderen Kontinent gereist, um unsere, legte die Füße auf den sandigen Ufern unserer und machte uns lachen, lieben und lernen. Wir alle werden dich vermissen. Hamba Kahle Umngane ..."

Unfortunately Google hasn't picked up any Zulu yet, so please correct mine. 
 Leave your message for Fabs in the comments section_ he will get it.

1 comment:

  1. For me graduation became enjoyable, to speak with people in an industrial place is what made me to be so glad. I can not wait be involved again in an industrial place.
    (by Sifiso)
