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Saturday, October 30, 2010

a man with a mission

 Brazilian social documentary photographer and photojournalist 



" We are one human race, and there must be understanding among all men. For those who look at the problems of today, my big hope is that they understand. That they understand that the population is quite big enough, that they must be informed that they must have economic development, that they must have social development, and must be integrated into all parts of the world."

and then goes on to say what he wants his photographs to say:
" What I want is the world to remember the problems and the people I photograph. What I want is to create a discussion about what is happening around the world and to provoke some debate with these pictures. Nothing more than this. I don't want people to look at them and appreciate the light and the palate of tones. I want them to look inside and see what the pictures represent, and the kind of people I photograph." 

http://www.photoquotes.com/showquotes.aspx?id=496&name=Salgado,Sebastiao > Excerpts from an interview with Sebastiao Salgado by Ken Lassiter, Photographer's Forum
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


• part 2_  STEPHEN SHORE


inspiring BOOK

REMEMBER: I bought this book in AUGUST and promised to share parts of it with you on osmosisBLOG... Sorry that I haven't made an entry for a while on the contents of this book, so here is the next Photographer, that may inspire you... 

TIPS #1: click on the dark red words that are UNDERLINED and you will miraculously be lead to WIKIPEDIA or other relevant sites, where you may find information and links on that word.
TIPS #2: place any of the words highlighted in dark red  into the search criteria on the top of the blog page and you will miraculously find the other blog posts on PHOTO-WISDOM.

• part 2_  STEPHEN SHORE

Friday, October 22, 2010

...decisive moment 1

I popped into the Digital Lab today and ADAM BOND [a first year student] showed me this image he shot recently. 

...the last stretch

I wanted to share it with you as it is one of those "decisive moments" that reflects poetry in  "making meaningful connections". The power of the photographer coupled with the camera's ability to hold time still and pause the eye creates this magic. Are these just moments of luck, intuition or synchronicity...? [Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner]

 I believe is all of them. 

ADAM had this to say: 
" This photograph was taken at North Beach, and it's one of my luckiest shots. I was just taking a photograph of the moon and the next thing i knew, this plane was in front of it! (that's why the plane is out of focus and the moon is sharp)"

Thanks to Adam for sharing this with us.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

...watch this SPACE

crazy in a wonderful sense
portrait above made from text it reads...

" so it has been an experiment in rules, generating rule sets that allow enough for variety.
Most people entering aren't artists, animators or Web people. They are just average everyday computer users.
The rules have to be easy and inviting so I can have kids and older people do it, people who don't know much, but they have to be interesting enough to allow creativity to filter into it. I think that it is so neat to be able to motivate people into doing something that is joyous and fun."

# 1: Watch this video on TED: emotion on the web.

# 2:  Go to his web site and see the projects.

# 3: Listen to animal noises

# 4: find out about YOUNGMENOWME

#5: Submit a photo in relation to this project via my web album
and then we can see and submit to ZE FRANK

...talking about guerilla/gorilla


Do you know about the Gorilla who took her own photograph and made front cover of the National Geographic in 1978.
[ I was eight years old]

Gorilla Foundation co-founder, vice president and photo-documentarian Dr. Ronald Cohn initially showed Koko how to use a camera with a tripod for the National Geographic article about Project Koko in 1978 and she snapped her refelction in the mirror.
[for the source & other incredible magazine covers that made history]

What does this cover imply... all primates show potential to be good photographers!

JR_ the guerilla


the 2011 TED Prize Winner

One will only ever know his initials because this winner is a    guerilla artist.   


 A photographer and artist whose work is based on the ability to remain anonymous.  
JR exhibits his photographs in the biggest art gallery on the planet. His work is presented freely in the streets of the world, catching the attention of people who are not museum visitors. His work mixes Art and Action; it talks about commitment, freedom, identity and limit.

Click on "buka lapha" to see the web page on TED and watch the video.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

K.I.S.S_ the 3rd years

...wanted to congratulate the 3rd years on the style and simplicity of their exhibition.

I went to fetch the Apple Mac on Friday and took some first years to view the exhibition.
I was amazed at how many "other" students from DUT were entering and leaving. I was even happier to observe that they actually spent time looking at your works and chatting amoungst themselves. 

This I believe is because you:-
K [kept] I [it] S [simple] S [students]

Your thoughtful layout, choices of work and professionalism created by framing and hanging  has created a wonderful space, that engages with an audience and gives them a chance to appreciate your visions. 
Despite exhibiting as a group, your exhibition still marketed individual talents and aesthetics.

Thanx to you all and of course to Nathi_  @ DUT ART GALLERY
for two exciting back to back exhibitions that have laid some incredible foundations for future

Inspiration for others ...
Below are some snippets of interesting framing and ways to hang...

Jocelyn used newspaper and small black clips

Lindy used crinkly black paper

Gcobisa used big silver clips

Lauren G used ready made frames that mirrored the space

Taryn used rope

celebrate the newborns

Fabian in Injusuthi
A short post to celebrate, congratulate and acknowledge: 

the Newborns  [4th years] 
Tazz Chillies Fabian Tatum Palesa Varusha Nicola
... on their exhibition and their ability to "touch subtle reality in a unique way".

Insert from Paul Capongiro quote:
" Photography’s potential as a great image-maker and communicator is really no different from the same potential in the best poetry where familiar, everyday words, placed within a special context, can soar above the intellect and touch subtle reality in a unique way."

Friday, October 8, 2010


Sabelo "DJBUSHMAN" had a farewell for Fabian at his house in KwaMashu. Here are some of his pics, sent by Sabelo from that day. I have written a goodbye note to Fabs and had it translated from English into German using Google translator. 
In English it reads like this :  

"Goodbye to the tall man who traveled with his camera from another continent to ours, put his feet on our the sandy shores and made us laugh, love and learn. We will all miss you. Hamba Kahle Umngane..."

Google translated my message to GERMAN, and it reads like this:

"Abschied von der hochgewachsene Mann, der mit seiner Kamera von einem anderen Kontinent gereist, um unsere, legte die Füße auf den sandigen Ufern unserer und machte uns lachen, lieben und lernen. Wir alle werden dich vermissen. Hamba Kahle Umngane ..."

Unfortunately Google hasn't picked up any Zulu yet, so please correct mine. 
 Leave your message for Fabs in the comments section_ he will get it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ADP2: SELF PORTRAIT_exposing another identity

view and comment on this Web Album

Theron M.A.D Rapoo

Theron graduated at the department in 2008. He is doing extreemly well and I wanted to share his success with all of you_ He works in the Central Communications Office of His Majesty the King in Phokeng, Rustenberg. Herewith an insert and images from his email that I received a while back.
"Today as I write this I hold a very important position at work, and believe me when I say I am an Asset to this Organization. I currently hold a position as the Digital Media Assistant and manage the Photo Cache of the whole Nation, also, I have developed love for IT so I am involved in the management of the Website (www.bafokeng.com), and their social Media pages (Facebook, Twitter). It is a very challenging position where I have to make sure that I attend all the Organization's events (and there are quite a lot), and produce quality photographs for the Cache.  I hope all is going well that side and that you are helping those students to achieve their goals. I am a Professional photographer because of you guys and I will not forget that in my life. Attached are some of the Photographs that I have taken in the past few months since I have had this Position. I just want to share with you some of the works I have done and I will forward to you all the Links of Publishing Houses, Magazines and Websites where my Images where published during the World Cup including REUTERS."

T h e r o n    U R    i n s p i r a t i o n a l

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