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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why do flying ants loose their wings?

   Dedication to flying ants   

I shot this image the 2 mornings ago... It found me... I walked down my steps my eyes were unconsciously drawn to its tiny shape and I became mesmerized by it's smallness and simple geometry. 

As I explored the tiny wings, I felt saddened. I began to think of how the wings symbolized flight and were now neatly abandoned. The raindrops, which were large by comparison, look like heavy tears and indicated to me that perhaps the tears had saturated the fragile wings so much that they had to be left behind...

I saw my interpretation [which evolved from how I was feeling] as a thought provoking metaphor for the struggles we as human beings deal with when our hearts are saddened and we find we have to re-invent ourselves and start again...

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