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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why do flying ants loose their wings?

   Dedication to flying ants   

I shot this image the 2 mornings ago... It found me... I walked down my steps my eyes were unconsciously drawn to its tiny shape and I became mesmerized by it's smallness and simple geometry. 

As I explored the tiny wings, I felt saddened. I began to think of how the wings symbolized flight and were now neatly abandoned. The raindrops, which were large by comparison, look like heavy tears and indicated to me that perhaps the tears had saturated the fragile wings so much that they had to be left behind...

I saw my interpretation [which evolved from how I was feeling] as a thought provoking metaphor for the struggles we as human beings deal with when our hearts are saddened and we find we have to re-invent ourselves and start again...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

....hope this is me in 40 years time

...is my birthday inspiration
I recently celebrated my 40th birthday_ and most well wishes indicated that my life was just about to start... what a wonderful thought... making age not matter, makes me think of  other individuals who "improve with age". Imogen Cunningham [IC] is one such person.  I have always loved her photographs, but am also inspired by her spirit, as Cunningham continued to photograph and express her creative energies at the age of 90. I absolutely love the images of her below... I want to be like THAT!

 Little History:  IC was one of the first FEMALE professional photographers and was part of the "f/64" group_ [Ansel Adams & Edward Weston]. The members of this group were dedicated to the honest and sharply defined images and named the group after the lens opening, f/64, which provided the ultimate in resolution and depth of field.
In her final years Cunningham began a project to photograph people in their nineties. A book, entitled After Ninety was published after her death n 1977. The book was a collection of photographic portraits of active individuals who were also 90 years old.

* watch a YouTube video where Imogen talks about her photographs.

* google images to see her photographs

* explore Master of Photographers website

Photographed by Judy Dater


" I don't think there's such a thing as teaching photography, other than influencing them a little. People have to be their own learners. They have to have a certain talent."

 When asked which was her favourite photograph... she replied
" the one I am going to take tomorrow"!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

LOOK who popped into the Department!

2010 Idols finalist
* click SINDI NENE to read article of how judges saved her from being eliminated
It was fantastic to see Sindi @ the Department. 
She is such a beautiful gifted and inspiring individual. 
I have always admired her quirkiness and her individualistic creative approach to defining herself as a singer and entertainer_ In her presence she simply takes your BREATH away [ask Mbuyi].
We wish Sindi success and happiness.
Mbuyi, Gee, Sindi, Liza, Vernon & Bwalya


...the talented.... hear the drum beat
[2009 National diploma Graduate]

I spoke with Siya this morning on the phone.  
He told me that he has been asked to be Sindi's personal photographer and that this specific shoot was for her website.  We are very PROUD of you Siya.  I hope that Siya will share many more of his photographic experiences with osmosisBLOG as he continues to shoot for celebrity clients like Sindi and others.

Below are two images from Siya's studio shoot.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

sabelo and edward

One of Sabelo's photographic images reminded me so much of Edward Hoppers painting called 'nighthawks' painted in 1942. I wrote in a comment on the Web Album that his photograph hit me inside_ and it puts me in touch with my feelings. It makes me feel quiet and introspective. This image's timeless quality and lighting reminds me so much of 'nighthawks'...so I decided to shed some light on this painting.

EDWARD: www.edwardhopper.info
 EDWARD HOPPER  was inspired by a restaurant on New York's Greenwich Avenue. Fluorescent lights had just come into use in the early 1940s, and the all-night diner emits an eerie glow, like a beacon on the dark street corner. Hopper eliminated any reference to an entrance, and the viewer, drawn to the light, is shut out from the scene by a seamless wedge of glass. The four anonymous and uncommunicative night owls seem as separate and remote from the viewer as they are from one another. http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork/111628

Sabelo and Edward's comparison makes me think_ how photographers may be inspired by paintings and more specifically by the lighting qualities painters use to denote mood, shape, volume and focal point.
Please click on the links below for a 5min experience on these thoughts: 
view google images of edward hoppers painting and look at his attention to light_ think how you can reproduce these photographically

view a blog where Maricarla Boscono recreates photographic moments inspired by  Edward Hopper  

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

...say blackberrrrrrrrrrrri

...it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile

I am celebrating the ACTIVATION of my blackberry 
with these photos taken with my BB. 
The second years were putting up and preparing their portfolio and despite the STRESS were good sports.
The Augmented students entering Year 1 in 2011 also visited the department today. Welcome Sikhumbuzo,  Nondlela, Thanduxolo, Zwelizwe, Nomkhosi, Nthabeleng and Senzo.
Instead of saying cheese I got everyone to say blackberrrrrrrrrrrrrrri.

Why do we "say cheese" when taking photographs? _ "Cheese" contains the phoneme /i/, a long vowel which makes our lips stretch to make a smile. I am unsure why "cheese" was chosen or where it originated to be the universal smiley word. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/135293#ixzz14EnAxU2J

I am sure that at least one will make you smile_ 
as smiling is

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2nd years in the Digital Lab
Gee & Philas
Sabelo & Sphe
Yolisa, Sally & Thandeka

Sjah, Sakhile & Mbuyi
Mandulo & Kelly

2011 first years

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