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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


David Mpungose

The second years have just done an assignment for Applied Photography 2, where they were asked to find alphabetical letters in their environments. This is a challenging creative assignment which requires keen observation and critical framing in order to capture the 'assumed' letter. Letters may be formed, constructed or seen through elements of design, space, line, shape, light or angle of view.
 I would love to see the rest of the classes images and have thus made a web album for second years to upload their images so that they may share their 'collection' 'osmosis' style _  
click on ABC to go to web album

Looking forward...also love to hear some thoughts from 2nd years about their experience.

1 comment:

  1. This image is really interesting to look,the continuous circle shape which act as leading lines also the lighting is quite good cause it's coming from the top which creates certain effect which is welcoming so i think this is a good image by david mpungose
