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Thursday, March 10, 2011

tips from Tamlyn 2/3

Here are some more tips from Tamlyn's list on how to plan a shoot_ remember it is posted in 3 parts:

buka lapha 3/3(still to be done)

Jacki & Tamlyn photo taken by Natasha
The image above is a screenshot from photographer Jacki Bruniquel's blog [scroll down to see my blog list gadjet on the right]. Tamlyn was the stylist, Jacki was the photographer and they were assisted by Natasha Schoeman. Please read about the shoot on Jacki's blog. 

part 2: PLANNING

Week 1 --->

  • let them know how many pics you want to get and structure the time loosely so they know what to expect and plan for. 

  • think carefully about realistic time structure_ for instance if hair and makeup is being changed allow for at least 45mins a  shot... you may also need to take breaks and discuss the shots. 

  • Talk about a "what to do"_ plan for the unexpected_ what if it rains, what if you are sick or any other unforeseen events happen. 

  • get a quote in writing_ signed by all necessary people involved_ verbal agreements don't have any validation.

  • choose and book a hair stylist and make up artist and have a meeting about your ideas

  • let them know how many pics you want to get and structure the time loosely so they know what to expect and plan for
  • plan a rehearsal with all involved when you have all the garments  ready... this will allow you to fine tune the looks, get a sense of how much time the changes will take and give you clarity and confidence on the day of the shoot. 
  •  get a WRITTEN and SIGNED quote
  • choose and visit the location with the photographer at the right  time of day 
  • book the location and make all appropriate arrangement
  • decide if you may need extra helpers, refreshments, changing space, space to sit and take a break, park cars, toilets etc_ 
  • make a list and make these arrangements_ get a written and signed quotes
  • if you going to be using a designer, collaborate and agree on the time line, look, feel and art direction of the shoot. 
Week 2 --->
  • Look at your budget and calculate what the shoot will cost
  • confirm bookings if quotes fit the budget.
  • allow for unforeseen costs... buying cool-drinks, paying for  parking and silly bits and bobs
  • look at what you can spend on the clothes, talk to shops, loan, return what you don't use 
  • group outfits, accessorize_  hang them where you can see them 
  • put them in order of liking
  • keep going back to the book for inspiration.
click here for part 3
[still to be constructed]


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