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Friday, February 24, 2012

dropbox ice breaker 2012

SHENE cracks the ice

by sharing her images... 

Shene & Nthabs

We went on our annual 'ice-breaker' to the Durban Ice Rink on a hot humid but rainy Febraury Friday. A couple of students took photo's with DSLR's, other 'snapshot camera's' , iphones and other cellphones. Shene emailed me all her images. It was also Nthabs's birthday. She turned 20.  Sorry to Sne and Sam, first years for their injuries... I hope that will not stop you from trying again next year.

I have put them (see snippets from screenshot above)  in "Dropbox" (click on "Dropbox' to access/learn about/watch a video and download to your computer). Dropbox is another form of cloud computing (like Google Docs/Bookmarks), where one can share media, applications over the internet.


Please access them there and contribute to this experience by adding your images to the folder through the link I sent.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fashion on Location with Paul

Parys in Dirtbin
the subject in Paul's email

Alumni (or past 2009 student) Paul Reichle [PR] shared his experience of a Fashion Shoot with me via gmail so that I could blog it PR's blurb: "The shoot was for a local designer Bianca Kim _ who sells her stuff 'Miss Religious' at the I-heart market and a couple boutiques too. Bianca wanted a Grunge feel and sent me a pic of the location she had in mind which blew me away. I had no idea there even was a mini eiffel tower living in Dirtbin.

Upon arrival at the location we realized that the ladder we bought to the shoot was too short so I borrowed one from the Church next door. We got to the roof and had about 12 looks to get through - The wind was pumping which made working conditions difficult_ constantly blowing hair into the models face and my lighting equipment. My assistant 
 (I advise that everyone has an assistant especially when working on location) had to hold all the equipment.

I was aiming for a mix of styles with this shoot as Bianca's Target market is girls aged 16 to about 30, i mixed a combination of lifestyle in with editorial fashion- l strongly believe that lifestyle shots are great to sell a product such as clothing as prospective clients can picture themselves in the clothing, if the clothing is too fashion orientated it could be too intimidating for a young girl. 

I used a very harsh light source - no softbox or diffusers so as to stick with the very moody feel we were going for and then shooting on manual mode - I underexposed the scene by about 2-3 stops to make the background very dark and eliminate or put less emphasis on any unwanted elements - such as the buildings cars and shops in the background. I then pumped a very powerful flash at high power onto the subject making the model pop out into the picture. I asked the assistant to keep the light quite high and close to subject in order to make harsh shadows under the models chin - making the pics look quite raw and giving dimension and shape.

Problems we encountered while shooting: Models found it difficult to balance on the beam and walk on the corrugated roof which made posing tough, I also ran out of battery on my lights toward the end of the shoot and had to tone down the power of the flash as we finished up."

Paul attached some images and they were specifically chosen by him to show:

(below)  ---> "how crazy the wind was"

(top)  ---> "how dark the background is when the flash goes off and other shows the sh*!!y (Paul's words not mine) the background looks without the flash".

(top) ---> shot with toned down flash.

(top) ---> the lifestyle element 

(top) ---> shows fashion editorial element

I also asked him about his website and in typical Paul fashion he replied: "Oh and my website is currently bubbalaas -  in the process of constructing a new one but I'm building numbers with my Facebook page if you can get the peeps to go join. PR also asks "if any one is keen to assist on weekdays for a personal project called rainbow nation, just an hour or so here and there when I'm in the area".

Contact Paul on--->  paul.reichle@gmail.com  or "be-friend" him on his facebook page:

Bianca Kim's facebook page:

Thanks Paul.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chuck Close

join the d•ts
Chuck Close 1989

CC says: "I discovered about 150 dots is the minimum number of dots to make a specific recognizable person. You can make something that looks like a head, with fewer dots, but you won't be able to give much information about who it is."

Liza 2008
Chuck Close_ buka lapha 2

CC says: "Part of the joy of looking at art is getting in sync in some ways with the decision-making process that the artist used and the record that's embedded in the work."

more quotes_buka lapha 3