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Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 questions @ Paul Reichle

Paul Reichle 
is a past student who completed his 3rd year in 2009
[click Paul's name to go to his website]

PR will be visiting the department on 22 February to chat to students about his experiences having left the DUT and trying to establish himself as as professional photographer in Durban.
I asked Paul 10 questions...  
and this is what he had to say:

1:   What does Photography mean to you?
I see Photography as a lifestyle and a powerful form of expression.

2:  What genre of Photography are you passionate about? 
Commercial and People

3. What aspects of Photography do you love?
Interacting with people, not to mention the infinite opportunities as the subject is so vast and one can explore all the different avenues such as food, fashion, product, lifestyle people wedding industrial etc  (impossible to get bored!!)

4. What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?
Photography is just the tip of the iceberg. Running a successful business is what is challenging- Admin, tax registration, negotiating with clients etc.

5. Where do you find inspiration?
Different forms of media, magazines, internet websites (other photographers work- like Patrick Demarchelier, Lara Jade and hundreds of others> Flickr), movies, music videos, but mostly 'Light' in every day situations.

6. If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?
To stress that one must become as technically efficient as possible before trying to learn other aspects on photography (correct exposure)> Get to know what your camera and its settings can do- these two factors are tremendously important and work hand in hand with one another. 

7. Name Photographers that have influenced you.
Brett Florens was a huge inspiration and has continued to be. I worked under him as an assistant for just over a year.

8. List  3 words that describe your experience as a student.
Character Building, interesting.

9. List 3 words that describe how it feels to be engaging outside DUT.
Exciting, Challenging, Awesome

10. What advice would you give students who are embarking on studying to become professional Photographers?
For me, its all about constantly getting out of my comfort zone which in turn elevates me and my work to a higher level.

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  1. Great inspiration and ideas. I'm going to start planning my "fake" shoots asap

  2. Awesome presentation... must say getting a bit scared for the real world and getting my name out there!

  3. Was an interesting class with lots of new ideas and ways of looking at photography and life in general. The traveling around the world part sounds very interesting and seriously appealing!

  4. really exciting lecture., looking forward to trying the suggestions he brought forward....... i think his work is really awesome and inspiring

  5. It was an insightful discussion giving us first hand knowledge about how to get started and get experience in the industry

  6. it was truly inspirational and motivating, this was a wake up call for me to work harder. the traveling part is totally COOOOOL!!!

  7. His very creative,great ideas.we also need to develop those kind of skills to become good photographers

  8. It was great i am running out of words it was very motivational it was telling us that we can go far if we are doing Photography for the love of it not for money.

  9. i think im gonna start investing in torches and mirrors.........il start playing around with my camera il make it more of a lifestyle

  10. the presentation was very motivational in a sense that photography isn't just about one thing but you must try out a few specialist before you choose one main one you are good at.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is a very creative collection of images.....Im inspired to use foreign objects when doing my shoots......Awesome work Paul!

  13. your work is very inspirational and wonderful i love your make up images they are fabulous....

  14. It was an inspiring class ,got lots of ideas .I am no longer afraid of going out there and taking more and more pictures .I have learned that it is not about what is given to you but it is about what you do with what is given .

  15. It was a very interesting and motivational lesson.

  16. very inspirational talk i must say. and i really know that those unbelievabley amazing ideas shall come in very handy.

  17. Paul's work is very much inspiring and its intrigue's creativity in me, which makes me wanna explore my photography in a broader way. These are one of those awakening moments one needs to be grateful for. a very BIG THANK YOU 2 LIZA!!!! HAPINESS IS ME!!!!
