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Monday, August 22, 2011

Viral Experiment 1: Tribe 3

W E L C :) M E
liza 2008
If you have reached this page_do not be afraid_ you will NOT be harmed in anyway. However you are part of a viral experiment • I have asked the 3rd years to promote osmosisBLOG on their social networking sites across devices • All I want to do is  just tally up the 'hits' and responses •  If you feel like it ----> continue to explore this blog and leave me a comment HERE by navigating back to this blog post_ and telling me what you think!

T F Y T (thanx 4 ur time) & H A W D (have a wonderful day)

HITs before: 3718
No. of Students:12

Social Networking Sites:
  • FaceBook+11
  • Whatzapp Status+0
  • BBM status+1
  • twitter+2 


HITs after: 87
New Followers: none

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