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Sunday, February 27, 2011

osmosis happens...

Nda's T-shirt
When Paul Reichle came to the department he brought his friend Gareth Bright along.
Gareth was a student at the Photography Department in 2007, but left the department after his first year. I asked GB to introduce himself to the class and after Paul's presentation he spoke briefly of his Photographic practices. The presentation was short (due to time) but significant and formed part of vital conversations we had already been having with Paul. We spoke of connecting through the internet, networking and using platforms like Facebook and Blogger as ways to announce ourselves to the world and to the leave our personal 'thumbprints' in cyberspace (thanks again Lisa Ndlovu for this beautiful metaphor). Both Paul and Gareth stressed the importance for all photographers to use these FREE tools to market themselves and their works. Gareth himself spoke of how he was 'found' by France Agency Press on Facebook and Paul's presentation was focused on being 'pro-active' and 'creating good relationships with others, using Facebook, to open doors'. Paul has a web page and uses his Facebook page as a way to showcase his works and network.

• read more on PAUL   
read more on GARETH

Based on these conversations and presentations (when osmosis happens)  I would like to officially open my new BLOG, which is connected to this one but is called...

Friday, February 25, 2011

PPP...Paulo's Published Photograph

WELL done 2
Paulo Menezes
[a current first year] 
for having his photograph published in this months edition of the PIX magazine.

I was at the La Lucia Mall's Exclusive Books and was paging through the Photographic Magazines and 'discovered' Paulo's image and so, when I saw him on Monday in lectures asked him to send me an email of the image and a short 'blurb' to outline the image. 

This is what PM emailed me: The image depicts a garden pot backed by rounded wooden slats. The scene forms part of a neighbour's boundry wall. What drew me to this shot was the way the light fell on the scene, and how it brought out the texture of both the pot and the wooden slats. The image was taken at midday in overcast conditions. No flash was used. 
Camera:           Olympus E-520 with an Olympus 14-42mm lens
Exposure:         1/15 at f13 (ISO 100)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 questions @ Lauren Stead


Saxon & Lauren

LS completed her 3rd year in 2010 and is currently registered to do her 4th year, so when you bump into Lauren in the department say "Hi"...
[but her horse won't be with her]
Today, Lauren will be presenting a slide show on her work and other 'stuff' to the 3rd years . In  her 3rd year Lauren specialisted in Digital Abstract [and Urban Decay]. Lauren created 'fairytale narratives' that were "constructed with Photoshop". Lauren produced an incredibly creative portfolio that displayed both her talents and skills as a photographer, as well as a rich storyteller and Photoshop 'wizard'.  Lauren would sourced "effect" tutorials from the internet to help enrich her images and contribute to the story line. For instance she would build the element of fire, or create lighting effects, wings, smoke  etc.

 Lauren's collection of images:

I asked Lauren 10 questions...
and this is what she had to say:

1. What does Photography mean to you?
Photography is a way of preserving oneself and our memories, so that we never forget the little things that happened along the way.

2. What genre of photography are you passionate about?
I am passionate about photography that challenges our perceptions and requires a closer look. 

3. What aspects of Photography do you love?
I love the conception of an idea and then figuring out how to create my vision in a photograph. I also love that moment, when printing black and white when the image first starts to appear on the paper, like magic.

4. What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?
Getting all the elements to work perfectly for you so that the idea is created how you see it in your head.

5. Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in everything around me, one of my recent ideas is inspired by a piece of classical music called Miserere Mei.

6. If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?
Don't compromise your vision for anyone, if you think you have something that can work, go for it.

7. Name Photographers that have influenced you.

[Click on names and images to learn more]

8. List  3 words that describe your experience as a student.
frustrating, illuminating, interesting

9. List 3 words that describe how it feels to be engaging outside DUT.
Scary, fun, challenging

10. What advice would you give students who are embarking on studying to become professional Photographers?
Be willing to accept constructive criticism but remember that photography is subjective, everyone will have different opinions, be willing to stand up for your own...Also, tech can be one of the most frustrating places on earth... keep some vodka handy! 

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 questions @ Paul Reichle

Paul Reichle 
is a past student who completed his 3rd year in 2009
[click Paul's name to go to his website]

PR will be visiting the department on 22 February to chat to students about his experiences having left the DUT and trying to establish himself as as professional photographer in Durban.
I asked Paul 10 questions...  
and this is what he had to say:

1:   What does Photography mean to you?
I see Photography as a lifestyle and a powerful form of expression.

2:  What genre of Photography are you passionate about? 
Commercial and People

3. What aspects of Photography do you love?
Interacting with people, not to mention the infinite opportunities as the subject is so vast and one can explore all the different avenues such as food, fashion, product, lifestyle people wedding industrial etc  (impossible to get bored!!)

4. What aspects of Photography do you find challenging?
Photography is just the tip of the iceberg. Running a successful business is what is challenging- Admin, tax registration, negotiating with clients etc.

5. Where do you find inspiration?
Different forms of media, magazines, internet websites (other photographers work- like Patrick Demarchelier, Lara Jade and hundreds of others> Flickr), movies, music videos, but mostly 'Light' in every day situations.

6. If you could share one thing with others who are also interested in Photography what would it be?
To stress that one must become as technically efficient as possible before trying to learn other aspects on photography (correct exposure)> Get to know what your camera and its settings can do- these two factors are tremendously important and work hand in hand with one another. 

7. Name Photographers that have influenced you.
Brett Florens was a huge inspiration and has continued to be. I worked under him as an assistant for just over a year.

8. List  3 words that describe your experience as a student.
Character Building, interesting.

9. List 3 words that describe how it feels to be engaging outside DUT.
Exciting, Challenging, Awesome

10. What advice would you give students who are embarking on studying to become professional Photographers?
For me, its all about constantly getting out of my comfort zone which in turn elevates me and my work to a higher level.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

meet... baby Nda

Siyamthanda at 8 months and 3 weeks old and look how talented he is.
Couldn't think of a caption to write... any ideas?


ArtSpace Durban showcasing ex-students works... current show entitled

15 February - 05 March 2011

Bwalya & Chillies @ the opening
Jacki Bruniquel and Noxolo Zwane [aka Chillies], are past students who both have their works on display.  
[Click on their names to read other blog entries that speak of their works]

INVITE for SATURDAY 26th February 
JACKI  will doing a walkabout @ the Gallery  [click to get address and telephone numbers] on Saturday the 26th of February at 11am followed by a short talk on “The digital Revolution –  Processing, Retouching and the Modern Photographer”.
Entrance is free and all are welcome! I am going to be there!

artSpace address

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Monday, February 14, 2011


to my followers
and thank-you for your support
Adam Bond kindly allowed me to use this image from his drawing Journal

Friday, February 11, 2011

support entrepreneur Phumlani

Phumlani is a 2nd year Fine art student, studying ceramics and printmaking, who makes incredibly inventive earrings for R5 each_ 
Phumlani's earrings are made  from cell phone cards [not Rica'd], keyboard keys, feathers, shells, keys,bottle tops, earphones, corks, tiny pegs etc

Call Phumlani on 071 420 6802 to see his crazy collection

Thursday, February 10, 2011

support KRISTYN

Kristyn is playing game this Saturday
  • it starts at 5pm
  • be early for good seats
  •  R10 children / R20 for adults

Friday, February 4, 2011

3 contagious skaters

lots of fun today at the ice-rink
Posted on YouTube by osmosislizatube

Watch first time skater Sabelo in the striped shirt, then Mr Gee wearing orange and finally 'novice' Nonto in green_ when one falls the others follow... 

Click the link below to view the web album 
The images have been collected and uploaded by the students who substituted cameras for ice skates.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Did you know...

...that Kristyn Swanepoel is a pro Ice-Hockey player.

Kristyn [a 3rd year] says: 
"I have been playing for approximately 5/6 years. I have received my Provincial colours 5 times.  This year I have been selected for the South African team and will be traveling to Iceland in March, to play against nine other teams".

"Gangi þér vel Kristyn. Við erum spennt að sjá íshokkí færni þína þegar við skötu í dag".
 Icelandic to English using Google translate: Good luck Kristyn_ can't wait to see your moves @ the 'ice-breaker'.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bucky abused with PHOTOSHOP

Look what Veshlin did to the beautiful Buck!

Bucky the Buck Camel by Veshlin Pillay
Animal Abuse?
Veshlin Pillay, a 3rd year, shot this image with his cellphone and then 're-figured' the buck in Photoshop using the liquify tool. 

...for other strange animals


...to see how animals fight back

NOTE: worth1000 is a one of the Internets top creative contest sites in the world, where anyone may enter. Worth1000 also offers free tutorials and photographic tips and galleries  galleries and galleries of 'extreem' Photoshopped images.
Worth1000 name is derived from the saying

quote for the month_ pre Valentines

Posted by Picasa
The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also 
keep out the joy_ 
QUOTE BY: Jim Rohn

available  http://www.inspirational-quotes.us/inspirational_quotes_for_a_broken_heart10.php