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Sunday, October 17, 2010

K.I.S.S_ the 3rd years

...wanted to congratulate the 3rd years on the style and simplicity of their exhibition.

I went to fetch the Apple Mac on Friday and took some first years to view the exhibition.
I was amazed at how many "other" students from DUT were entering and leaving. I was even happier to observe that they actually spent time looking at your works and chatting amoungst themselves. 

This I believe is because you:-
K [kept] I [it] S [simple] S [students]

Your thoughtful layout, choices of work and professionalism created by framing and hanging  has created a wonderful space, that engages with an audience and gives them a chance to appreciate your visions. 
Despite exhibiting as a group, your exhibition still marketed individual talents and aesthetics.

Thanx to you all and of course to Nathi_  @ DUT ART GALLERY
for two exciting back to back exhibitions that have laid some incredible foundations for future

Inspiration for others ...
Below are some snippets of interesting framing and ways to hang...

Jocelyn used newspaper and small black clips

Lindy used crinkly black paper

Gcobisa used big silver clips

Lauren G used ready made frames that mirrored the space

Taryn used rope

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