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Sunday, August 22, 2010

cell phone POWER

Veshin: from 2nd year captured this image on his cell phone on Monday 16th August. He made this comment with regards to being there:

"We were driving down Steve Biko when students stampeded towards us not knowing what to expect we speedup they hit the car with a couple of sticks and bats it wasnt scary until we saw the dents and scratches on the car and realized we could have been hurt or hurt them"
What this image highlights for me is the POWER that lies in the cell phone camera:
  • it is always on you
  • it is immediate 
  • with good quality images
  • easily transferrable to a number of devices
  • instantaneously
some more THOUGHTS: The power of  news photography with a cell phone in a digital age means that anyone who carries a cell phone has access to a camera and being at the right place at the right time means that one is capable of capturing relevant and news breaking imagery... think about this... the average 8 year old can navigate and use a cell phone with ease... what does this mean?
  • there is great power for everyone [the layman] to expose, comment and capture on news material
  • this new technological hand held device offers mass communication on a greater scale
  • the image[s] can reach millions, across the world, across devices in an instant_like an epidemic
  • changes the way we look and understand images
  • alters world events
  • one can expose or be exposed without even realising it
  • it is difficult to control
...any other thoughts or comments?


  1. Ja i think having a cellphone in your hand that means you have an in a free access of a photography & you can called a junior photographer.

  2. i support cell phone power,its true its easy to use and its something you carry every time anywhere.and its also have good pictures.

  3. the power in cellphones is always there & it gives a clear motives on what is happening n t helps to leave a remarkable memmory

  4. I totally agree because having a cellphone where ever you go is important it can help you in a lot of ways for examples experiencing things that other people did not you can capture that moment and by doing so they will know what exactly happened

  5. THANDUXOLO MKHIZE in today's world to have a cellphone with a camera can be helpful because you can end up earning some cash because of it.
