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The gradual exchange of knowledge, thought and ideas from one source to many...

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blast of a Day_

...had a G8 day of getting out and photographing GRAFFITI with students. 
Thanks to TAMLYN and the Graffiti artists who showed us some amazing places and helped us to understand this art form more.  
Wished more of you guys could have been there and experienced this with us! 
Looking forward to seeing the photographs at the exhibition in 2 weeks time. 
Send you all a WEB ALBUM soon...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

JACKI BRUNIQUEL: Photographer & Artist

JACKI is a part time lecturer @ the Photography Department. She is excited to announce that her new website  has been launched. On the 25 August Jacki sent out a 1000 emails  to let the world know about her new website.
 This new website is an online portfolio which will be updated often. "Follow" her and look at her amazing photography by joining her networks by clicking on the links below.


Jacki says that Dave McMillan of Hautefish Web Design and Tyrone Bradley from Tyrone™ Design and Photography must be credited for their excellent work here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tamlyn Martin

get known, get exhibiting, get out
Tamlyn popped into the Department yesterday and chatted to everyone in the Digital Lab 'that was there'  about a project she is initiating that will incorporate framed photographs to be exhibited @ Bean Bag Bohemia on the 15th of September.

This project entitled: "Guerrilla Gardening", is a spin off from another project called 'PEN two Paper' initiated and curatored by Tamlyn a few months back.   

Find out more about "PEN to PAPER" by clicking on this link.   buka lapha_PEN to PAPER 

Guerrilla Gardening is about documenting Graffitti in and around Durban. The way it is documented and contextualised is open for interpretation by Photographers. Here are some questions that come to mind ...
  •  a backdrop to ?
  • what do you see when you get up close and personal?
  • beautify vs deface of our cities?
  • art or warfare?

TAMLYN will be coming to the DEPARTMENT on Tues 31st August @ 9am.  We will all go as a group to places that she has scouted and take photographs. EVERYONE IS INVITED_please those students that have cars open up your hearts and doors to ferry the students who do not! Tamlyn has also offered to facilitate and demonstrate to students ways to paint and decorate frames in the afternoon. By the end of the day all you will need to do is insert your photograph and your works will be ready for exhibition. 
I think you're crazy if you don't take up this opportunity to get involved and exhibit your works in DURBAN. 

NB: maybe its a chance to get that photograph you are missing for PORTFOLIO?

Tamlyn may be contacted on 074 407 5413 or on vanitas@mweb.co.za

Monday, August 23, 2010


Frida Khalo 
...is one of my favourite artists_ her self portraits are sad and lonely and poetic translations of her personal story. When you know her story you understand these self portraits more. The 2nd years are going to do interesting self portraits for their final portfolio hand in. Here is some interesting thoughts on creating a self portrait which also has a long important history in Art:

" artists gazed into their mirrors and attempted to grasp their identities. They sought to portray their image, whether it showed a clear representation of their features, a walk through their childhood or an outpouring of emotions. Some self-portraits show only what the artist wants us to see, some chronicle the history of the artist, others reveal personal secrets and a sense of isolation. Whichever method is employed each artist took a long literal and figurative look at him/herself. Each portrait is a an exploration of the self. Self-portraits have been used to test new techniques, make a signature mark, launch into self-study, remember the past, and as a way to release emotion. Whichever way artists choose to construct their images, they are each forced to study their own personas both physically and emotionally. For some the self-portrait is cathartic experience, a letting go of pent-up emotions. For others, the process reveals new insights about themselves and their work. For all artists, the self-portrait is an exploration, an opportunity to see beyond the image in the mirror and begin to search into the soul. " www.artlex.com

What will you find when you search the mirror?

Sunday, August 22, 2010



...his website

Through an opening in a heavy door, a shaft of light falls onto the shiny surface...of the white linoleum floor of a pristine laboratory. Toledano is an experimental research scientist studying fantastic and absurd freaks. He sedates the creatures and removes them from their cages to pose them for archival photos.  

PHOTO-WISDOM_ introduction

...that's the book
I treated my self this week-end by buying an INSPIRING book I have been wanting for soooooooooo long. It helped that it was also on sale at BARGIN Books in Gateway. The book is called: 
PHOTO-WISDOM_ Master Photographers on Their Art
Author Lewis Blackwell

... and I am going to share it with you in parts on osmosisBLOG.

INSPIRATION: Christopher Baker

buka lapha

Chris  is currently doing his 4th year_completed  3rd year in 2009.

View his fantastic website to see his inspiring photographs and work ethic by clicking where it says "buka lapha"

cell phone POWER

Veshin: from 2nd year captured this image on his cell phone on Monday 16th August. He made this comment with regards to being there:

"We were driving down Steve Biko when students stampeded towards us not knowing what to expect we speedup they hit the car with a couple of sticks and bats it wasnt scary until we saw the dents and scratches on the car and realized we could have been hurt or hurt them"
What this image highlights for me is the POWER that lies in the cell phone camera:
  • it is always on you
  • it is immediate 
  • with good quality images
  • easily transferrable to a number of devices
  • instantaneously
some more THOUGHTS: The power of  news photography with a cell phone in a digital age means that anyone who carries a cell phone has access to a camera and being at the right place at the right time means that one is capable of capturing relevant and news breaking imagery... think about this... the average 8 year old can navigate and use a cell phone with ease... what does this mean?
  • there is great power for everyone [the layman] to expose, comment and capture on news material
  • this new technological hand held device offers mass communication on a greater scale
  • the image[s] can reach millions, across the world, across devices in an instant_like an epidemic
  • changes the way we look and understand images
  • alters world events
  • one can expose or be exposed without even realising it
  • it is difficult to control
...any other thoughts or comments?

Friday, August 20, 2010


I have deleted "presentationKAchillies" from YouTube, Blog and Buzz.

The reason being is that one of the models has expressed her concern with her image on the internet. I respect that and would like to use this as an example and reminder that Osmosisblog is student owned. That means that your views, opinions and fears are relevant to how I run this blog and what appears in this blog, so please remember that and communicate with me. 

the motto:  
Student voice is essential to the vision and osmotic process of the Blog

Saturday, August 7, 2010

CELEBRATION of all women

Grandmothers, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grand-daughters, aunts and nieces.
Let's think of all those women who do not have strong voices 
and celebrate those that do. 

I feel that that this image of Chillies highlights how loud some women have to shout in order to be heard.
It also illustrates how restrained woman can be and that perhaps their loud shouts only reach deaf ears.
What do you think? 

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I made these videos about 3 years ago. 


click on the titles above to view them on YouTube

The Shutters

I took this image with Nhlanthla's cell  about a 15 minutes ago...
Watch them play their first kick off match today at 2pm @ Curries Fountain
[with no GIRLS in your team!]
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

PART 3_ colourful walk

Part 3_ images and text [poetry]
Part 3 of a video trilogy that outlines options for first years to integrate text and photo for their assignment entitled "colourful walk".

PART 2_colourful walk

Part 2_photography [intention]
Part 2 of a video trilogy that outlines options an assignment for first years to integrate text and photos for their assignment entitled "colourful walk".

PART 1_ colourful walk

Part 1_the walk [purpose]
Part 1 of a video trilogy that outlines options for first year students to intergrate
text and photos for their assignment entitled "colourful walk".

Monday, August 2, 2010

A colourful walk...

The title for Viscom 1_ assignment 4, is "colourful walk". 

The word colourful has 2 meanings:
  • Having much or varied colour, bright 
  • full of interest, lively
On the 25 June,  first and some second year students walked to the KZNSA Gallery from the Department. The students were asked to carry cameras, and photograph 100 images on this walk. They were to briefed to adopt a casual approach and capture 'anything' that caught their eye, quickly composing this in the frame.The students were given 2 words to act on:
"spontaneous" and "be alert"

I also took my camera and joined in. In response to the walk, my collection of images and the experience, I have made 3 movies from my photographs using Picasa. These videos are a trilogy and are are connected by the "colourful walk". They may be viewed and interpreted individually or as a group. This video trilogy also serves as an example for students on how one may integrate text and photos. These imageshave been posted on YouTube: search criteria  " colourful walk".
The trilogy is made up of: Part 1_the walk [purpose] | Part_2 photography [intention] | Part_3 images & words [poetry]... I have posted each video as a separate blog post.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

its not over... just keep reminding yourselves

What Does Waka Waka Mean? Waka Waka are words in the Cameroon language called Fang. Translated into English it means "Do it"  or "Get the task done".

Here are the lyrics for Waka Waka and a Youtube video for you to learn the moves and dance again... do it!

" (Oooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh)  You're a good soldier • Choosing your battles • Pick yourself up • And dust yourself off • And back in the saddle • You're on the front line • Everyone's watching • You know it's serious • We're getting closer•                         • This isn't over • The pressure is on • You feel it • But you've got it all • Believe it • When you fall get up • Oh oh • And if you fall get up • eh eh • Tsamina mina • ZangalewaCuz this is AfricaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaListen to your godThis is our mottoYour time to shineDon't wait in lineY vamos por TodoPeople are raisingTheir expectationsGo on and feed themThis is your momentNo hesitationsToday's your dayI feel itYou paved the wayBelieve itIf you get downGet up, Oh ohWhen you get downGet up eh eh •  Tsamina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaAnawa a aTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewa  • This time for Africa "            

Inspirational quote: ERNST HAAS

more quotes • click here

In the video bar above I have put in "Ernst Haas" as keywords. Double Click some of the thumnails displayed and Youtube will display videos on  Ernst Haas.
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