... and visca versa

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Viral Experiment 1_Tribe 2

 W E L C :) M E

liza 2010

If you have reached this page_do not be afraid_ you will NOT be harmed in anyway. However you are part of a viral experiment • I have asked the 2nd years to promote osmosisBLOG on their social networking sites across devices • All I want to do is  just tally up the 'hits' and responses •  If you feel like it ----> continue to explore this blog and leave me a comment HERE by navigating back to this blog post_ and tell me what you think! Feel free to become a follower 2!

T F Y T (thanx 4 ur time) & H A W D (have a wonderful day)

HITs before: 3817
No. of Students: 13

Social Networking Sites:
  • FaceBook+10
  • Whatzapp Status+0
  • BBM status/broadcast +4
  • twitter+1


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Monday, August 22, 2011

Viral Experiment 1: Tribe 3

W E L C :) M E
liza 2008
If you have reached this page_do not be afraid_ you will NOT be harmed in anyway. However you are part of a viral experiment • I have asked the 3rd years to promote osmosisBLOG on their social networking sites across devices • All I want to do is  just tally up the 'hits' and responses •  If you feel like it ----> continue to explore this blog and leave me a comment HERE by navigating back to this blog post_ and telling me what you think!

T F Y T (thanx 4 ur time) & H A W D (have a wonderful day)

HITs before: 3718
No. of Students:12

Social Networking Sites:
  • FaceBook+11
  • Whatzapp Status+0
  • BBM status+1
  • twitter+2 


HITs after: 87
New Followers: none

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    ..the Power of Inspiration

    Jerome Kemraj asks:

    Inspiration is POWERFUL! Can you handle it?

    On a lazy Saturday morning (yesterday), I had a long bbm chat with Jerome Kemraj [JK] from 2nd year. He asked me to check out his new blog entry. Here are parts of our chat (edited):

    JK: Check out my blog...posted 2 pics from Fridays (yesterday) studio shoot...
    Me: Morning_ I am awake? Ru? Pls send me blog link_ can't find it! Dying to looky see
    JK: Hehehe
    JK: I am awake...woke up just 2 mins ago
    JK: Enjoy
    JK: Comment
    JK: Follow
    JK: Share
    Me: Yipx5
    Me: "symbols:(see screen munch RIGHT) = inspired
    JK: I'm really glad you're inspired by it!
    JK: I didn't know my work would inspire my own lecturers :O

    Me: Why not we PEOPLE 2 u know_ we are learners like u and need creative input from interactions...

     WELL Jerome YOU inspired me and yesterday afternoon I started my 3rd BLOG (which I have been wanting to for a long time), the trilogy to osmosis webloging: osmosisLIZA ---> making sense of the movement between...
    (HIS story)
     Below is a wonderful personal account
    of JK's photoshoot. 
    --------> keep reading

    aquatic apparition
    So yesterday, I got in the studio and gave my friend Elche` a buzz. I was not really planning to do much, just a close up picture of her makeup for a beauty shot.  I got started by shooting some randoms, just to get her comfortable and to secretly setup my lighting ratios correctly. I don't want to look like a complete rookie in front of her. When I got the shots I wanted... it was time to say our goodbyes, but my creative juices started flowing again so I decided a second round of shooting was in order! I tried as many poses as possible with slight changes to my lighting. 380 pics and 4 hours later, and the shoot was over.  I rushed home and imported the pics onto my hard drive and probed the folder looking for something interesting to spend the next 4 hours working on. When I saw the base image that formed the 'Aquatic Apparition' I knew then and there that this was going to be it. I guess I was inspired by some of my wedding pictures that I shot some time back with brides immersed in water.
    Being surrounded by an element that has no colour or taste, taking that and bringing life and mystery within it, gave me a strong platform to work on. I wanted to capture an 'AWAKENING' of beauty within a tasteless and colorless environment and take it further by introducing cold tones to contrast the mood a bit. I was really amazed with my outcome and I came to realize that sometimes 'Planning' a shoot isn't the best idea. By planning your shoot in detail, you immediately limit yourself to what you are going to do on the day of the shoot. Rather think of an idea > execute that idea > work from that idea and sprout new creativity that is totally unrelated to your initial idea. Be inspired by your creativity. It's amazing.

    JK's links:
    My blog: image-core.blogspot.com
    My Facebook Fan Page : http://www.facebook.com/pages/ImageCORE/119281938139497
    My Twitter Page: http://twitter.com/JeRRy_TotZ

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    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    shadows and reflections

    A photograph is always invisible, 
    it is not it that we see. 
    Liza_ reflection on car bonnet

    What do we see? In my Viscom1 lecture this week I spoke about lighting.  I mentioned to the first years that how even though light is the essence of photography (writing with light) one should also make a visual note of what happens with the 'after effects' of how and where light falls iow look at shadows and reflections|snoitcelfer.

    I wanted to share an image sent by first year Mbuso_his image and email has inspired this blog post. This is what M wrote: "Your reflection pic really inspired me, so i work up this morning and shot mine, then went to photoshop and worked on it a lil..."

    [Mbuso's Blog] 
    some thoughts on what 
    shadows and reflections 
     may suggest --->

    • a dark area or shape produced by a body/object coming between rays of light and a surface 
    • silhouette, outline, shape, contour, profile
    • reference to proximity (nearness in space time or relationships)
    • ominous (foreboding/something bad might happen) oppressiveness_threat
    • can suggest sadness and gloom_ twilight, shade, murkiness
    • reference to something insubstantial or fleeting 
    • reference to a position of inferiority or obscurity 
    • the slightest trace of something _crumb, scrap
    • a weak or inferior remnant (left over) version of something 
    • an inseparable attendant or companion (faithful shadow) _ alter ego, second self, close friend OR enemy
    • a person secretly following and observing another
    •  a person who accompanies someone in their daily activities at work in order to gain experience at or insight into a job.  

    liza 2008
      liza 2008
      lauren 2010
      chillies 2010

      • the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it_ casting 
      • a thing that is a consequence of or arises from something else_ mirror, likeness 
      • serious thought_ belief, feeling,
      • consideration_ comment, observation
      • an idea about something_ impression, conclusion

      dena 2009

      nicola 2008
      yandisa 2007
      gcobisa 2010
      martin 2008
      martin 2008

      Please email me some of your images that show reflections and have a strong emphasis on shadows so I can add them to this collection.

      4 an EGGperience  
      click links below

      buka lapha_2    [Remember the Egg]

      buka lapha_3    [Screaming Eggs if you're going to make breakfast]

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      Thursday, August 11, 2011

      Get It Magazine: Jacki Bruniquel

       ex DUT student • part time lecturer  • inspiration


      KMM: Cedric Nunn

      the process or state of converging
      coming together from different directions so as eventually to meet
       an exhibition of Photographs 

      screenshot Google maps
       CN says: "Exhibitions are and remain to be an important platform for photographers and artists to project an extended essay of images which when placed in that body and context are able to make a particular statement otherwise not possible through the normal commercial outlets."

      Then & Now

      The image above from a series of works from exhibition THEN & NOW  ---> held @ the DAG in 2007. This exhibition was comprised of black/white and color photographs • 8 South African documentary photographers • 20  photographs each •  10 made under apartheid • 10 photographs made after democratic elections of 1994. 

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      Tuesday, August 2, 2011

      KZNSA: Angela Buckland


      On www.dut.ac.za,  Vice Chancellor Bawa states: "My decision to suspend the academic programme on Monday 25 July is underpinned by the need to put in place measures that will ensure that the University returns to a state of sustainable peace and stability – without which the pursuit of knowledge is impossible. "  
      ---> background to the student protests and suspension of the academic programme.
      ... and YES the 
      that doesn't mean one should not take the opportunity to "pursuit knowledge" independently_ get to the Galleries... gather your peers, friend and camera... go explore all things Photographic.


      One of the recent exhibitions @ the KZNSA features the photographic works of Durban Photographer, Angela Buckland Over the years, AB focus has shifted. In her earlier work she observed, responded and commented on the outer world; but the realities of being a mother has turned her gaze inwards...

      ---> to view AB's other exhibitions 

      AB's recent exhibition entitled: LOCATION - Block A, Thokoza Women’s Hostel is an installation comprised of 700 small  photographs and is on show from 26 July - 20 August 2011.


      ---> to view more thumbnails of recent exhibition

      BLURB from AB (sourced from www.nsagallery.co.za)
      "Thokoza Women's hostel was the first African women's hostel built in 1925 in South Africa.This new work is the sister version of a previous work completed in 2002, the oldest men's hostel in Durban, Block A, Jacobs Men's Hostel. I have been drawn to these environments because of their unnatural and complex histories. I am interested by detail, emblematic of a universal need to humanize space. I have photographed each and every resident's bed or some artefact in their bed space. The photographic strategy adopted for both artworks was to take one frame within a couple of seconds and record a trace that marks some form of humanity..." 

      ---> to continue reading...
      What does humanity and 'to' humanize mean?
      ...these words refer to the human race • human beings collectively • the fact or condition of being human • human nature • care • dignity • kindness • brotherly love • charity • understanding • sympathy •  
      human culture (literature, history, art, music, and philosophy)

      to find or discover by investigation
      • find or describe the origin/development of • follow or mark the course or position of (something) with one's eye, mind, or finger

      ?'s 2u
      How do these photographic works record a trace that marks some form of humanity? 
      What elements in these photographs would consider to be a trace? 

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