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Friday, July 22, 2011

Seminar: Ernest Cole

a seminar @ DAG

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience” 
Alexander Gregg: Clergyman
DAG entrance: Google Maps
I have been asked to chair the ERNEST COLE seminar @ the Durban Art Gallery [DAG] on 25th July which is supported by an exhibition • to be opened on Sunday 24th July.

The speakers are Omar Badsha and Peter McKenzie, with Jabulani Chen Periera and Nirmi Ziegler as discussants. Mduduzi Xakaza, the director Of DAG wrote in a recent email that he hoped the seminar would be intellectually accessible to everybody, but still have a challenging element about it, so to prompt the audience to think and debate around issues that will be raised by both speakers and discussants. 

" We regard this exercise as a manner of ushering in an important era in the life of the Durban Art Gallery: an art museum that serves as a dynamic educational resource where knowledge is produced and engaged with in for a such as seminars and colloquia." Mduduzi Xakaza


speakers & discussants:
very very very short bio's

OB is a self taught award winning Artist, Political Activist and Trade Unionist. In 1999 OB established  a non-profit online history project, called  South African History Online (SAHO) which has become one of the largest online history projects in Africa. OB will speak about factors that shaped Cole's worldview and how this informed the content of his book "House of Bondage"

NZ lectures Art Theory at the Department of Fine Art and Jewellery Design at DUT and is currently busy with her PhD in online learning. NZ is an artist that focuses on the technique of papermaking, a curator and a self-employed graphic designer.

PMcK is a Photographer, Educationist, Film-maker and a new member of DALA a Durban based multi- disciplinary art collective. PMcK will speak on remembering in the present. What is the relevance of Cole's archive today? How do we look at images through the filters of history.
  • discussant on PMcK: Jabulani Chen Periera [JCP]
JCP is a Curator, Artist and Film-maker. JCP has volunteered her skills to the Alf Kumalo Museum, with the intention of developing a comprehensive survey and digitized archival system of Mr Kumalo’s collection.

The Photography Department has made this a compulsory event for all students. I would like to encourage all students to participate in the discussions. What you feel, think and say is important ...

Click here:  another blog post on ERNEST COLE

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