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Thursday, April 21, 2011

I didn't GRADUATE but I can still commemorate...

I was unfortunately on "office duty".
My lonely blue shirt hung over my chair... separated from the herd.

Every year the Photography Department is involved in photographing the DUT Graduation ceremonies that take place in Durban and Pietermaritzburg during April and September.

All students are obligated to work at 'Grad': styling; administrating; ushering and photographing.
What I love most about this time together is that between the mad rush and mayhem, there are quiet spells...

During these times we get to know each other better.

Then there are the beautiful moments... where one gets to witness proud families and individuals commemorating the celebration of the completion of their studies.

We play a vital role in that.

And in some way we 'graduate' too with another life experience.

 I know everyone has worked hard (especially staff), is tired, 
perhaps even gatvol? 

 But ...
I have made this post in a hope that students will use this 'space' to share their stories on 'Grad'... because I was not there!

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  1. very cool time spent with the department. was cool seeing everybody who graduated with their families.


  3. I enjoyed this day.I experienced many things like how to approach people in order for them to come to your department.I was also encouraged that in the next three I will be GRADUATE.

  4. graduation was sooo much fun. everyone from first year right up to third year, learn't so much from the experience, especially massimo, who was dressed in a sexy suit that looked soooo smart, he is such a cutie.

  5. Graduation was a lot of fun and a great learning experience.. i really enjoyed working as well as interacting with the rest of the first, second and third years :)

  6. So much cooler than last year :) what fun getting to know others in our department :)

  7. gathering in the graduation gave us quality time to know each other as students with lectures as well. the most things is we get to experience how to maintain a photography business as well with client.

  8. it's nice to see people in a different working environment, and to see how people perform under pressure.......but most importantly it was fun interacting with people i would never really talk to

  9. I believe I had a great time on grad .It was great learning tool as it does not only teach about the photographic side but communication as you get interact with lots of different people and get a taste of what it feels like to be in the outside world.

  10. it was a working experience that will help me in the future

  11. I really enjoyed working inside as i had to hand out the stage photo slips.....It was so much fun because i had to interact with different people from different departments.The choir was so amazing too......Thumbs up!!!!!

  12. great graduation. had a great tym with all the students and staff. looking 4ward to next year

  13. working in graduation give good time to know other especial my classmate and everyone in our photography department. and to understand how to maintain business

  14. well the graduation was an awesome experience, i had a lot of fun interacting with the first years and making new friends. there were times that i was getting upset due to tasks being messed up but i got over it. lol a big thank you to liza for the random that were taken, i am one of the before and after twin lol

  15. graduation for me was quite an experience this year and i did learn a lot of things which are of relevancy in the photography industry which was working with people ,communicating and dealing with different kinds of clients who had their own views and opinions on how they wanted their images.This year i worked as a photographer and was really amazed that i was in control of everything ,i learnt how to be polite ,charming and being different from the other photographers .l loved everything and enjoyed myself a lot

  16. Although I did not do much at 'grad' I really did enjoy 'rescuing' our studio from a watery disaster.

    The unseen gestures :)

  17. was a gr8 exprnc. gud tym 3 mch fun

  18. Graduation! To me it was a good experience because I got to the opportunity to socialize with the first and third year students. It was a good experience , that is where you are in a way encouraged that one day you will graduate and that it is do-able. I learned a lot, talked to people I hardly know and have never met. You get people to listen to you and make them do what you want and good communication plays a vital role in graduation.

  19. Yay Graduation! Although many people aren't too ampt for this time of year I was keen and ready to help. This year we didn't only get the free lunch but we got T-shirts too. Plus I got a great idea for next year I think we should get T-shirts again but in a colour that won't fade as easily and it should just say PHOTOGRAPHY on the back as then for the following years only the first years would need to be supplied and this would then be able to save the department some "bucks".
