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The gradual exchange of knowledge, thought and ideas from one source to many...

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Can you Ice-skate?

The entire department is invited to an "ice-breaker" @ the  ice rink on Friday 4/2/2011_ North Beach

> dress warm
>take a change of clothes
> bring your own 'thick' socks [clean/fresh]
> show student card
> pay money: R35= skate & watch/ R10= watch only
> try not to FOA [see pic below]
TIME: 10am to 12am
DRESS CODE: anything appropiate
MUST WEAR: 'crazi' hat & scarf
MOTTO: if you fall get up and try again_ [please keep tears to a minimum]
RULES: the same ones that apply in the Computer room
DRINKS: non alcholic beverages only
FOOD: will try to organize BUT if we can't_ BYO
BEHAVIOUR: have fun_ get to know each other

Enhanced by Zemanta

Sunday, January 30, 2011

welcome back/buck

osmosisliza is still excited to collaborate and exchange thoughts with you in... 2011

Have you have noticed that we have a new occupant in the department? Although taxidermatized the female Reed buck is a reminder to us about all things 'BUCK' such as expressions like:
  • the buck stops here:  responsibility is not passed on beyond this point
  • pass the buck: evades responsibility by passing it on to someone else
  • to buck: resist, oppose, defy
  • to buck up: cheer up, uplift, encourage
  • buck: refers to money
  • buck: term used to decsribe a 'krump' dance style
  • Buck: name of weasel character in ICE AGE 3

Here is a photo essay on how the buck got here...
Alone and cast from the herd, she shelters from the rain by a nearby skip.
Found, she submits and is gently carried to safety

Saved and admired, she dries off with new friends

 but she is yet to be named...

Sunday, January 2, 2011


wishing all my followers a 
Happy  *N E W* Year
Did you see this on New Years day?

I could only get a shot of the helicopter with Jacob Zuma 'wishes'
on its way back and then the banner was back to front!