... and visca versa

The gradual exchange of knowledge, thought and ideas from one source to many...

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Ukhisimusi

...wishing you a happy 
and merry 
and joyful
and sunny
African Xmas

Monday, December 13, 2010

TIMES_ pics of the week 13/12/2010

pictures of the week

Water Logged
A dog lies on a shelf in a flooded house in Rio Chico, Venezuela.

quote for the day

was an artist who whose works and "primitivism" contributions to painting were only recognized after his death.

* Primitivism was an art movement of late 19th century painting and sculpture
> characterized by exaggerated body proportions, animal totems, geometric designs and stark contrasts.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

ASX_interview: "Gil Blank with Thomas Ruff"

  ... I have been subscribed to a website, called ASX, AMERICAN SUBURB X for a while_ By signing up I receive an enormous amount of informative interviews and essays on photography. I would like to share some with you... u can sign up 2!

ABOUT ASX:  Founded in 2008, AMERICAN SUBURB X is an ever-growing archive and fiercely edited look at photography's always relevant past, dramatically shifting present and ever-unfolding future. Our mission is to provide and provoke, to educate and titillate those who are obsessed with photography and all of its beautiful moving parts.

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