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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

celebrating the snapshot

Thanks to Siyanda  from year 1 for sharing this with me...
(see 'snapshot' of Siya with his best friend [see buka lapha] below)

buka lapha 

CLICK on YouTube link below to view video

(big hug)

big words: TRUST_ part 2

... becoming trustworthy to build trustworthy followers

© liza_ Delicacy of TRUST

bell hooks (she intentionally writes her name in small letters), is an educationalist, cultural critic and writer. In her book "Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom" she links trust to accountability and writes:

"trust means having confidence in one's own and another's ability to take care, to be mindful, and this requires than that we think carefully about what we say and how we say it, considering as well the impact of our words on fellow listeners". (2010:87)

I think that these are insightful words. Think about these words when one creates a blog. Does one consider ones audience and the impact of one's 'digital fingerprint'_ what and how one says 'things'!

the  colour of TRUST

screenshot from Adobe Photoshop

Here is some feedback from students responses to the 5 questions I asked
in my post last month:big words: TRUST. I have kept students anonymous as I feel that the answers to these questions are personal. My selections are random... some have been edited. They have been chosen JUST to give a sense of...

1.) Who can you trust?
  • My sister, I know that she will always have my best interests at heart.
  • I fully believe the only person i can truly trust is myself.
  • My Grandfather and my boyfriend
  • mommy
  • family and a few friends
2.) How do you know you can trust this person?
  • She has never let me down.
  • I trust my subconscious being_ as he has never been wrong_ he orientates to the good site of light 
  • I can trust because he has been there all my life and I know no matter what I can tell him anything and if I ask not to say anything to anyone he wont. I also know that he will give me advise whether I like the advise or not.
  • the person will always have time for you when you at your lowest and not when every you at your highest. they see you for who you within and not the name brands on the out. this person will always be around even if you fight with them, they will forgive and forget. except you for your mistakes and disabilities

3.) Why do you trust?
  • I trust because without trust, I am alone. I need to have people in my life who I am close enough to that I can trust them with anything.
  • We trust because we want to believe in something/ someone, we need
    something to drive us and to gain strength from and confidence.
    I think we can develop trust from actually practicing it so we can know
    what our beings are comfortable with when it comes to trust in that way you
    will know who or what to trust.
  • building the trust by being a loyal friend/ person to somebody helping where help is needed and giving advice not by frowning upon things and being biased.
  • when you trust someone it can be a beautiful thing but when that trust is misused you don’t not even wish to associate yourself with that person.
  • because you cant go thru life with out trust. i think we trust because we need other people, to trust that they wont let you down in whatever
  • i trust because i feel protected and loved, knowing there is some out their who will hold me when i fall and bring me up. 
4.) How can trust be developed or built?
  • It takes time to develop trust. People have to prove themselves trustworthy by being honest, respectful and reliable.
  • Trust can only happen when two people are open minded and willing to be completely vulnerable and allow people within their personal space. By sharing and communicating your feelings with somebody who does not ''broadcast" them to the world, a strong and trustworthy relationship is developed

  • by the person being reliable and honest_ even if the truth hurts

5.) How do you know when to trust?
  • I always know I can trust someone when I feel comfortable enough to share my thoughts with them. It is usually after I have spent a lot of time with that person and have seen them act responsibly and trust-worthy.
  • Before you know when to trust you have to know what the point of trust is. "What values does it have?". Trust can have enormous instrumental value and may also have some intrinsic value. before you know when to trust a person you then have to look  if he/she has the good's of trust that  include opportunities for cooperative activity, knowledge, autonomy, self-respect, and overall moral maturity. if the person has these goods than you can trust.
  • When a house is completed 

6.) What colour is trust? Why?
  • Trust is transparent. It allows for people on both sides of it to see clearly and without any obstruction of the truth.
  • For me white is the colour that personifies TRUST purely because it is the colour of harmony, honesty and symbolizes all things pure.
  • I think blue. Blue symbolizes trust, wisdom, loyalty, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. It is the colour of the sky, sea and is considered beneficial to the mind and body.
  • red_ intensity
  • black_ symbolizes peace and quiet 
  • pink because it is warm and sweet  
  • Trust is any color that and individual may prefer, for me it is half blue (a cool color)and orange (a warm color).

  • Blue, because Google told me so :)

  • Green, because it reminds me of a tree, a tree grows and so does trust takes time to become complete.


...built in a transparent background

I am inspired not just with these words from students  but by the associations of trust with colour... so I made a colour palette from these associations with Photoshop.

colour swatch for TRUST

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the advantages of Documentary

*(wink wink)

eating 'the towel' with the president

from Mbuyi's phone

Mbuyi Ndolvu [MN], completed his 3rd year last year and he has been keeping in contact with me on 'whatsapp'. Mbuyi is currently working for "Roads and Safety', photographing accident scenes etc.  MN comes from Eshowe, the place where I was born and where I went to school... so we have a kinship_ we are 'brother' and 'sister' despite our skin tones (wink wink). He loves to tease me about eating 'the towel'_ and he loves to eat. See our conversation below, dated 2/26/2012.
 19:49: P3Mbuyi: Unjani ke sisi wami ?

 20:11: ME : Ngiyaphila_ wena? I have had a wonderful weekend_ how was urs?
 20:13: P3Mbuyi: I also had a wonderful weekend I was at home eating the Towel

 20:13: ME: What's a towel? Is it that thing u take to the beach?

 20:19: P3Mbuyi: Ha ha ha ha ha the Towel is the inside of the cow nje they clean it nicely and boil it

So in true Google style I have found an image for those people like me who still need to learn about 'the towel' ...439000 results in 19 sec!

The reason I have blogged this conversation is that I 'love' how Mbuyi has made time to follow his passion in Documentary Photography and I am 'excited' by how his previous undertakings in Photography have lead him to have 'lunch' (wink wink) with President Zuma. How much is 'true' and 'photoshopped' (wink wink)_ only Mbuyi (who ... by the way...loves to streeeeetch the truth) will know. 

This is what Mbuyi said: "Hey Liza I was at home for a weekend so on sunday I decided to go and shoot my documentary since its been a while, which was my specialist @tech. I went to nkandla, 50 km from my  Eshowe home and 237km from Durban.  So the bodyguards of the President knew me from shooting doccie in government events  and they invited me for lunch with the president. He wished me luck for my career and we had lunch, which was tripe, dombolo and Nhloko (which is the head of the cow) and I asked to shoot with him."


And then... my random brain started to think about actually (wink wink)  trying 'the towel'  and how this would certainly be a new experience for me_ one where culturally I dabble... 

©liza • Qwahumbe • Feb 20102

And then my random brain thought of Wenger (2000:233), the 'Community of Practice' 'guru' (wink wink)... the guy I read about for my Masters. He says (<3):   “there is something disquieting, humbling at times, yet exciting and attractive about such close encounters with the unknown, with the mystery of otherness: a chance to explore the edge of your competence, learn something new, revisit your little truths and perhaps expand your horizon.” 


Monday, March 5, 2012

flogging dead blogs

it takes time

I have recently given an introductory lecture to the 2nd and 3rd years on blogs. I always ask them to listen and watch Mena Trott on www.ted.com. The 2nd years will create blogs this year and the 3rd years will [mostly] revive them. I have had mixed feelings about blogging from the students_ I think one has a love hate relationship with them. I know they take time. From experience it can take me up to 3 or 4 hours looking for hyperlinks, researching, adding images and video. Simply the writing just takes time... simply it takes time to make ones self clear to make sure you say everything you want to and haven't left anything out...

...notice something *weird
* in a nice way

I was amused with some of the candid responses by the 3rd year's on re-discovering and reviving their blogs.  I have asked permission to publicize these from 3 students: Shan, Netty, and Lindy_ see links to their blogs and screenshots below.


blog as oxymoron?
(figure of speech where contradictory terms appear)

Stephen Shore: road trip journal: www.americansuburbx.com

Lillian Tillman from a publication called Artforum says this about blogs:  

"Blogs are oxymoronically, public diaries, where bloggers play with exposure, others’ and their own. Some use handles for anonymity, but with fingerprints in cyberspace and with erasure near impossible, nothing’s lost and everyone can be found. Billions of disclosures light up the Internet with electric abandon. While “private” and “public” have for years been theorized as permeable spaces, even illusory divisions, people once lived those separate realities. Now they have actually blurred, and privacy and secrecy are becoming quaint ideas. IDs and personal information are hacked and jacked constantly, and individuals adjust their desires, needs, and aims in sync with technology’s capabilities. In this electronic revolution, as written and filmed self-reportage and confessions choke the virtual highways, voyeurism and exhibitionism are just normal."

(man with a moustache)